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Join Us


New Membership applications can be submitted Online or by Mail. The online application provides you with a convenient, simple and secure process to enroll for membership, customize your interactions, and pay the membership dues.

Current Memberships can also be renewed Online.

Your Membership will be activated upon verification of the submitted information for eligibility and payment of the membership dues. Information shared with the 173d Airborne Brigade Association is private and will not be shared with any other third party. Gold Star family members, active duty military, and veterans of all the branches of the U.S. Military are encouraged to apply.

If you have any questions regarding eligibility, the membership process, and member benefits, please use the contact form to reach the National Membership Secretary Dennis Hill, and the national membership team.

Please select one of the following options:

Select Membership Level:



* Membership level


*Annual Membership- Regular - $24.00 (USD)

Subscription period: 1 year, on January 1st No automatically recurring paymentsServed with or was attached with 173d Airborne Brigade. It can be converted to a Life Membership.


*Life Membership- Regular - $173.00 (USD)

Subscription period: UnlimitedServed with or was attached with 173d Airborne Brigade.


*Active Duty Personnel Currently Serving with 173rd IBCT- Annual Membership - $16.00 (USD)

Subscription period: 1 year, on January 1st automatically recurring paymentsActive Duty personnel applying for this level will waive their ability to receive quarterly Sky Soldiers magazines by mail but will be able to view them on the website. Annual Membership dues will revert to the standard $24 annual membership fee when leaving active duty. It can be converted to a Life Membership.


*Active Duty Personnel Currently Serving with 173rd IBCT- Life Membership - $121.00 (USD)

Subscription period: UnlimitedActive Duty personnel applying for this level will waive their ability to receive quarterly Sky Soldiers magazines by mail, but will be able to view them on the website.


*Associate_1- Annual Membership - $24.00 (USD)

Subscription period: 1 year, on January 1st No automatically recurring paymentsSpouses and family members are eligible for an Annual Associate Membership.


*Associate_2-Life Membership - $173.00 (USD)

Subscription period: 1 year, on January 1st automatically recurring payments to spouses, widows, widowers, ancestors, or lineal descendants of Members of the Association.


*Associate_3- Annual - $24.00 (USD)

Subscription period: 1 year, on January 1stNo automatically recurring paymentsVeteran Members- Any person who served in the United States or its Allied Forces shall be eligible for an Annual Associate Membership.


*Associate_4- Gold Star - Free

Subscription period: Unlimited Gold Star Parents/Spouses/Sons/Daughters of a former member of the Brigade who was performing military duty and was killed on active duty are eligible for Gold Star Membership.


*Associate_4- Membership - $24.00 (USD)

Subscription period: 1 year, on January 1st automatically recurring payments spouses, widows, widowers, ancestors, or lineal descendants are eligible for Annual Membership. They are also eligible for Life Membership.

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